Gij zult niet Zweven!

Hee, apart. Krekt neidat ik myn lêste reaksje op Elmar Kuiper syn opmerkings by myn foarige bloch delskreaun hie, lies ik dit op it net:

‘The story is well-known in poetry circles: around 1968, disgusted by his difficulties with publishers and by what he perceived as the careerist strategies of many poets, Duncan vowed not to publish a new collection for fifteen years. (There would be chapbooks along the way.) He felt that this decision would free him to listen to the demands of his (supremely demanding) poetics and would liberate the architecture of his work from all compromised considerations. …It was not until 1984 that Ground Work I: Before the War appeared, for which he won the National Poetry Award, to be followed in February 1988, the month of his death, by Ground Work II: In the Dark.’ Stiet hjir.

No sa, dat kin fansels ek. In probleemke is dat ik gjin baan haw en as ik gjin beurs krij yn de steun bedarje. Oan de oare kant… oer sa’n tsien jier haw ik myn pensjoen al. Dat is ek in moai foarútsjoch.

Oars geweldich nijsgjirrich wurk, de gedichten fan Robert Duncan. Yep, wat esotearysk, mar dêr mei ik wol oer. Bin ik sels ek, al komt it net sa ta utering yn myn dichtwurk.

Gij zult niet Zweven!

It wie oars ek wer in prachtige etappe yn de Vuelta. En Bauke Mollema is in Fries, wat dy Grunnegers ek roppe!

Ik waarmje aanst in Bakje ôfpriisd Iten op

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